Some people assume that climate change is a myth. However, that’s not true. The climate is changing rapidly, and most economic sectors are to blame. The construction sector alone contributes up to 23% of air pollution. It also contributes up to 40% of water pollution and 50% of landfill wastes. These are alarming statistics that should prompt changes in the construction sector. Here are some of the ways constructions affect the environment.
Natural Resources
Construction is among the significant exploiters of natural resources. Almost half of the resources that this sector uses are non-renewable. This industry utilizes 40% of raw stones, sand, gravel, and virgin wood every year. Although humans can prevent this non-existent problem, this sector and others will eventually deplete natural resources.
Construction affects animals in different ways. For instance, loud construction machines and noise from the construction sites can affect animals negatively. Light and noise pollution affect the wildlife heavily, especially badgers, bats, and birds. That’s because it disturbs their natural cycle every day. Nevertheless, this is only an aspect of the complex problem.
Here are the significant effects of construction on the wildlife:
- Water and air pollution
- Isolation
- Hydrological impacts
- Fragmentation of wildlife populations
Construction can cause changes that can affect animals and force them to change how they live or reduce their population.
Construction waste is almost everywhere. Some countries produce millions of waste tones. Although some people can ignore this figure, the massive waste from the construction industry can eventually have dire consequences. What’s more, recycling is not a must in the construction industry. And for this reason, many valuable construction materials go to waste.
Construction affects the environment in different ways, including gases that may contribute to global warming. A significant percentage of these gases arise from construction sites, building materials’ manufacture, and transportation.…